アルク 海外事業部

Dried sea cucumber 乾燥なまこ

These sea cucumbers were fished at the Akita coast in
northern Sea of Japan. We dry a sea cucumber with the
agility of the expert during 3 days.
It takes three days to go back up in an original state.
雅 -MIYABI- ギフトセット

This is dried shiitake and dried scallop gift box.
Dried shiitake is the product of Oita prefecture
and dried scallop is the product of Hokkaido.
We also have dried shiitake from Akita prefecture and dried
scallop from Aomori prefecture.
Inaniwa noodle 稲庭うどん

Inaniwa noodle is considered as one of the best noodles in Japan.
They started to make Inaniwa noodle three hundred years ago.
And many famous people (the governor samurai of Akita in
Edo period or diplomats during Meiji period) loved Inaniwa noodle.
Herb noodle ハーブめん

It smells so good.
A flavor of the herb becomes more attractive when coking simple,
and season it in olive oil and black pepper.
Karinto manjuu かりんとうまんじゅう

These are typical Japanese sweets.
This is good for snacks and is good for dessert too.

We have various manjuu like  Koshian,Japanese pumpkin,
cheatnut,Milk,sweet potato.

 株式会社アルク 海外事業部 0187-55-5241